Round table session on social media & migration

Tonight we are hosting a round table session on social media and migration in cooperation with the European Bridge-IT network and Maroc NL. Together with different stakeholders working as researcher, activist, programmer, digital pioneer or civel servant in the field of migration and/or social media projects, we will address the following questions:

  • In what ways does access to new media create opportunities for migrants and marginalized groups in employment, education or a stronger position in civil society?
  • What needs exist among existing projects in the field? What solutions can be proposed?
  • What recommendations would you make to the outside world and politics?

In search for binding factors

We hope on a heated discussion and are curious on which topics will bind all stakeholders in this particular field. If you can speak of a certain defined field ofcourse. We will find out. The findings from the round table will be posted on this blog to be further discussed. The discussion will be processed in a publication and presented after State of Social Media Summit in October 2010.

Our partners

Bridge IT: Bridge IT is a thematic network, co-financed by the European Commission. The network focuses on information and communication technologies for migrants, ethnic minorities in Europe.

Maroc NL: Maroc NL is the largest forum and chat community in the Netherlands and Belgium and is part of the Bridge IT network.

One Response to “Round table session on social media & migration”

  1. Tweets die vermelden State of Social Media Summit » Blog Archive » Round table session on social media & migration -- Says:

    [...] Dit blogartikel was vermeld op Twitter door nikki timmermans en Digital Pioneers, Digital Pioneers. Digital Pioneers heeft gezegd: Tonight: Round table on social media & migration with @BridgeITnetwork and @marocnl, join us! [...]